Good practices



The project offers a training program on digital and social entrepreneurship for people with disabilities. It aims to support people with disabilities in overcoming barriers in the labor market.

The main aims of the project are:

·       The guarantee of social inclusion, access and participation in the digitalized labour market of young adults with a disability.

·       The production of training material and a TOOL KIT which includes all essential resources to acquire entrepreneurial and digital skills so to be able to enter the digital market and create their own social enterprise.

 The project aimed to equip a rather neglected group of adults with digital and social entrepreneurship skills that will open new routes, prospects for them and the community they live in.  

Year(s): 2019-2022

Target group(s): Young adults with disabilities, Adult Educators/Trainers, Social Workers, Carers and Experts

Website or other online channels:


In this project, they used a variety of methods.

In a first step, they investigated the current scene in each partner country in relation to the strategies-policies at the National level for adults with disabilities and the compliance with the EU recommendations as well as the functions, challenges, good practices, gaps etc. for the provision of LLL opportunities for adults with disabilities.

They developed learning modules for adults with disabilities to acquire digital and entrepreneurial skills and for adult educators for the acquisition of financial literacy skills to support the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives. They also developed Blended-learning opportunities.

 Furthermore they designed an interactive web-portal as an Open Learning Environment and a Tool Kit for pilot testing the implementation of the Programme for digital and social entrepreneurial skills acquisition.  

Type of product

Online resource Video clips / Films Course / Training

Brief description of the outcomes

ENTRE4ALL competence framework:

The Framework strives to improve the knowledge, skills and competences from entrepreneurial field. The Framework is divided in general (e.g. entrepreneurial competences, digital, financial and social skills) and specific modules (e.g. entrepreneurship in social field, in field of art and culture, in the field of health services etc.)

Here you can find the link to the Framework: Framework


ENTRE4ALL training material:

The training material contains all essential material, modules, resources, tools etc. for adult educators to be able to support adults with disabilities in the acquisition of social entrepreneurial and digital skills.

Here you can find the link to the training material and all the different modules: Training material


ENTRE4ALL web portal:

The Entre4all E-Learning platform manual addresses teachers and students who are going to teach and be taught the courses that are uploaded on the platform.

The Entre4all E-Learning platform provides four main modules and seven optional modules in different languages which consist of e-Books and a mandatory Final-Assessment Quiz.

Here you can find the e-Learning platform manual: Manual

Here you can visit the e-Learning platform: Platform

Here you can find the ENTRE4ALL tool kit: Tool kit  

Impact on target groups / Transferability potential

The impact of this project is substantial both on the adults educators and on adult learners.

The material was developed to strengthen the professional profiles of adult educators giving them the tools to empower adults and guide them in being involved in social and digital entrepreneurial initiatives.

Furthermore adults’ attitudes, patterns and behaviors as well as prospects are enriched as they are supported to acquire targeted new skills, foster awareness and understanding of how social enterprises can offer them new prospects for self-employment. 

 For the adult educators they offer a wide selection of available material, tools and resources for teaching, learning and assessing financial and entrepreneurial understanding therefore the transferability potential is given. 


Country: Austria Cyprus Greece Slovenia

Languages available: English Greek Slovene German

Website or other online channels:


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