Good practices
The ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS WITH ROMA is a non-governmental, civil, multi-ethnic, intercultural, nonpartisan and assembly-based Association, of a socio-educational nature and of democratic operation.
It is especially linked to the education of Roma people, an ethnic minority that, in the Spanish State, has suffered persecution, discrimination and racism over the last five centuries.
The Association arose at the initiative of a group of teachers from Aragon in 1979 who, due to administrative abandonment, decided to connect with other teachers from nearby areas.
In 1980 the first “conference” was organized in Huesca. In this way, an associative movement of a state nature began, formed by collectives from various areas.
The aims of the Association, literally set out in the statutes, are:
- To organize and direct all kinds of activities in the educational, cultural and social work fields, to professionals who work with Roma people, which are aimed at promoting them.
- To promote research, improvement and the meeting between professionals who work in this specific field.
On an annual basis, the training sessions are held each year in a different city in the State. They are organized by the Collective that rotates by a new Collective that enters the wheel, or simply by the one with the best chances in that year.
Some topics, given their relevance and interest, and as they cannot be treated in depth in the training sessions, become a matter for the Seminars which are held intensively over a weekend and people belonging to the collectives participate in them.
Year(s): Running since 1980
Target group(s): Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education Teachers, Social Workers, Roma Associations
Website or other online channels:
The Teachers' Days with Roma have a triple character:
- Formative: the contents try to cover the educational, the social and the Roma cultural; the program tries to respond to the training needs, to the topics that need a debate, as well as to the information and communication of materials and experiences; for this purpose, presentations, round tables, exhibitions and group work are carried out that allow the participation and opinion of all attendees (whether or not they are members of the association).
- Public presence: the Association publicly shows its work and its demands in relation to the different issues of educational and social policy.
- Organizational: the General Assembly of the association is also held in order to evaluate the work of the year, as well as to propose and guide future activities.
Type of product
Paper-based material Online resource Video clips / Films Course / Training
Brief description of the outcomes
Educational Materials, videos and much more to help teachers who work with Roma people, in order to promote interculturality and integration in education.
The Compilation Book of Presentations and Experiences serves as a base document for subsequent training activities for all teachers.
Impact on target groups / Transferability potential
The impact on teachers and educators is very high, that's evident because the training sessions started in 1980 and they are still running.
The transferability of the practice is high due that is based on the collaboration of the coordinators and the different groups involved, which participate in the selection of the contents, as well as the search for speakers and experiences.
Promoter of the initiative: The ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS WITH ROMA
Country: Spain
Languages available: Spanish
Website or other online channels: