Good practices



The ‘info4migrants’ project aims to support the effective integration of migrants by improving and transferring the innovative Careers Europe migrant online information portal to vocational education providers and guidance centres across Europe. The developed online tool is attractive and intuitive to use, containing information for the career advisors, VET professional and migrants about the host country but also details about migrant countries of origin in order to help guidance professional better understand their target groups’ background and culture.

The objectives of the project are:

- To create an online information resource gathering all the information needed by immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers in their new country

- To support professionals working with migrants

- To improve the quality of vocational training given to guidance professionals and VET teachers and trainers

- To expand careers guidance to incorporate the range of needs of migrants

Year(s): 2013-2015

Target group(s): Immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers; Career advisers, educators and other professionals working with migrants

Website or other online channels:


The Careers Europe Eisodus migrant information database is transferred to vocational education providers and guidance centres in Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Spain and Sweden. The developed online tool offers information on: culture and customs, legal and practical issues, education, training, education and work. It also supports careers advisers working with migrants in their countries – helping new arrivals to better integrate into communities, learning and work.

Brief description of the outcomes

The info4migrants Online Tool is divided by countries and it includes a section for migrants and a section for advisers working with migrants. The tool is available in English and in the national language of the respective country as well as in a number of important migrant languages (e.g. Arabic, Turkish, Russian, etc.). The tool sections include:

  • Section for Migrants: I need advice on:

Education– nerseries, pre-school and primary education, secondary education, higher education

Employment– EU blue card, finding employment, health, social and pension insurance, income tax of induviduals, volunteer work, work conditions, work permit

Status and Rights – citizens, refugees, third countries

Way of Life – accommodation, bank accounts, Bulgarian citizenship, communications, culture specifics, elections, government, health care, national holidays, emergency, public services, traditions and holidays, transport, welfare

  • Section for Advisers:

Country profiles– information about the specifics of big migrant groups in the respective countries

Education– nerseries, pre-school and primary education, secondary education, higher education

Employment– EU blue card, finding employment, health, social and pension insurance, income tax of induviduals, volunteer work, work conditions, work permit

Status and rights– citizens, refugees, third countries

  • Way of life– accommodation, bank accounts, Bulgarian citizenship, communications, culture specifics, elections, government, health care, national holidays, emergency, public services, traditions and holidays, transport, welfare

Impact on target groups / Transferability potential

The online tool contains a wide a range of information, ensuring that careers advisors and migrants have access to reliable, up-to-date and consistent resources.

The project explores and addresses the everyday challenges faced by migrants and then uses this knowledge to develop a bank of practical advice and details of support organisations.

The tool will expand the knowledge of careers guidance professionals and teachers working in VET institutions, careers centres and other organisations across the countries in the partnership as well as further countries and languages in the long run.

Promoter of the initiative: Careers Europe; Business Foundation for Education – Bulgarian partner

Country: Austria Bulgaria Finland Spain Sweden United Kingdom

Website or other online channels:

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